New heroes added in the potential list and that would be Alcyion, Yukare Takeba, Makoto Yuki and Dia. All of them have the same potential and that would be Crit Damage but if you want to save some resources, then go for Attack and Crit Damage combination. Further Persona 3 Reload collab heroes will be added on our potential Dice.
In this game, it is quite easy to get free rubies, but you must save them. In order to get Meta heroes to 5 stars and above, you must save around 2million rubies. I suggest if you are a free-to-play, do not invest on collab heroes using rubies. Get only free collab heroes. These collab heroes are collectibles and it is pleasant to see that you have collected all the collab heroes. Free-to-play must invest on non-collab heroes so that you have a chance to star them up later on. Collab heroes have limited time like a month only so in the long run, most likely, you will have no chance to star up them further.
Collab heroes are excellent for New players. Since they are free, it can boost your team and can carry you to higher stages in a short period of time. As time passes by, you should invest on non-collabs especially on meta heroes.
If you are a new player, most probably you lack accuracy, and it would be best to put accuracy first on your first month of playing. After a month proceed to a combination of Attack and Crit damage. This will help you clear the stages and also dungeons. Note that some characters need full crit rate like Lubu or Arang. As time passes by, you need to change your attack potential to crit rate because enemies have boosted Crit Rate resist. You need to reach like 150% crit rate on your team in battle. You need to boost the levels of Crit Rate Pets along with the attack speed pets.
This strategy applies to all game modes whether PVE or PVP. The ultimate potential hero build is only a basis for your heroes and I would suggest to always farm daily resources. Do not reroll your dice frequently because you will lose lots of resources especially if you reached 7 stars. It requires lots of resources to roll the potential dice.
A great example is Kyle. The best build for Kyle in early game is a combination of Attack and Crit Damage but later on, Kyle's potential will evolve to Full Crit rate or Combined with Crit Damage. High Crit rate Kyle can almost ignore the crit rate resist of enemies, perpetually stunning them. Thats how powerful Kyle is.
New players like one month and below of playing, put full accuracy. And if you are playing 1 month and above, put a combination of attack and crit damage and 2 months or above, put a combination of crt rate and crit damage and note this has an exception (Lubu, Arang and alike).
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