New Content: Knighthood Boss Battle | SEVEN DEADLY SINS IDLE


✨ New Content: Knighthood Boss Battle

The Knighthood Boss Battle is a content where Knighthood members can earn rewards based on the cumulative score obtained from individual battles against the boss!

All Adventurers who are in a Knighthood can participate, so if you haven’t joined one yet, it might be a good idea to start looking for a Knighthood to join!

You can access the Knighthood Boss Battle content by tapping the [Knighthood Expedition] button on the Knighthood screen.

The Knighthood Boss Battle will run in weekly seasons. Each season will be available from Sunday 9:00 (PDT) to the following Sunday 7:59 (PDT).

You can battle against the boss of your choice by using boss-specific entry tickets. You can also perform practice battles without consuming any tickets!

But remember! Practice battles do not record scores or provide rewards, so please keep that in mind!

In Knighthood Boss Battles, placing heroes in specific positions during team formation will grant them special effects, so don’t forget this important tip~

During the battle, as you deal a certain amount of damage to the boss, the boss’s level will increase, becoming more powerful with each advancement.

In Knighthood Boss Battles, if you target the boss’s weakness, the boss will receive powerful debuffs and become incapacitated for a certain period of time.

During this time, dealing damage will earn you more points, so it’s important to understand each boss’s weakness! ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و

The battle will end when all your deployed heroes are defeated or the time limit has been exceeded. Your score will be recorded based on the total damage dealt to the boss, and this score will be added to your Knighthood’s cumulative score.

At this point, you can obtain ‘Dimension Marks’ based on the level of damage dealt.

You can use ‘Dimension Marks’ in the Dimensional Rift to earn rewards and summon a Hidden Boss with a certain probability!

The Hidden Boss is summoned for all Knighthood members. From the moment the Hidden Boss has been summoned, you can battle it once within a specific time frame.

The Hidden Boss’s Beserk gauge charges at regular intervals, and when fully charged, the boss will receive powerful buffs. 😨

While you can’t obtain ‘Dimensional Marks’ from battles with the Hidden Boss, you can earn more points. So if you’re aiming for a high score, don’t miss out on this opportunity! ヾ(*ゝω・*)ノ

Scores are accumulated based on the ongoing season and finalized when the season ends. Please note that you cannot enter the Knighthood Boss Battle during the finalization period!

Once the finalization is complete, the accumulated score resets, and you can earn Knighthood points along with rewards based on your total score for that season!

Also, the Rankings will be determined by the accumulated scores. As rewards are distributed according to the Rankings, share your tips and strategies with your Knighthood members to become the highest-ranked Knighthood!

Individual rewards are also given based on cumulative scores, so aim for higher scores to receive amazing rewards.

Detailed information on the rewards will further be announced in the 9/9 (Mon) Update Details notice!

That’s all the information I have prepared for you, Adventurer! Are you ready to team up with your Knighthood members and defeat the boss? We hope you look forward to the upcoming update!💖


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