Monspeet and Zaratras Strategy (Base Defense) | Seven Deadly Sins Idle

Credits to RedSand

Guide for Base Defense: Why should i bother with this Mode? You can get up to 600 Diamons and 2k Constellations currency per day, and up to a massive 3k diamonds for your first Clear.
Characters you'll need: Monspeet and Zaratras

Other characters that can aid you: Gowther, Ban, Meliodas, Galland, King (+ Character that gives you the most coins) ; Note: None of this characters are needed for you to clear, but can make some waves "easier" and "faster".

The Strategy is quite simple, get as many 4* Level 100 Monspeets and Zaratras as possible while building good economy and some Support units. With the new patch and the introduction of Gowther is possible he can serve the same role as Monspeet but i haven't tested yet. In the Ideal Scenario you'll have 4 Monspeet and 4 Zaratras ( one of each on every row) or a good Combination of Frontline and backline damage. AOE is really good in this mode and it is required to clear the waves efficiently.

Explanation: Zaratras has a massive AOE multiplier and resets his own energy usage if they kill an enemy; Monspeet has DOT and gives you energy; Gowther and Ban can also give you energy ( he is mainly used to give energy in this mode as his Ult is ST and although good, too slow to clear efficiently); Galland and Meliodas are solid DPS Units and King is KING, good AOE damage and buffs.
Overall idea: Have a good balance of frontline and backline damage for each wave combination and make the proper placement adjustments to clear(or fail with minimal damage) each cycle. Generally survive until you have your win condition, mainly Zaratras and Monspeet 4*.

Obs: P stands for Position. Each Row holds 5 units. From left to right (P1-P2-P3-P4-P5)

How do i choose the units to level-up? You have Monspeet or Zaratras. Upgrade them. You don't have them? Just focus on your highest (*) character.

Where do i place the Unit i want to Level up? Position them spaced from each other and place the unit you want to merge in between them so all of them receive the benefit of the merge. Example: P1 - M - P3 ( Zaratras - Merger - Monspeet)

Early Game: First of all, ALWAYS choose money as your reward option. COINS are the most important resource in this mode and if you build your base correctly you won't need to "repair you base" for health points. For the first 20 floors anything will win, so take advantage of this to greed as much money as you can. Unlock all slots (First 2 rows) currently available to you along the way while summoning as much as you can and making the proper level ups. DON'T USE LEVEL UPS or UPGRADE your BASE, they are a waste of coins during this stage of the game. You'll clear each cycle quite easily with any 2* Unit and you'll need a lot of money later to level-up the proper units. DON'T EVER go BELOW 5 COINS so you have access to the blacksmith. Even if it fails and you get nothing, on average, you'll be net positive because you'll be rewarded with 16 coins or possibly a (*) upgrade to a random unit(if you are lucky). Hopefully you'll get a Zaratras and Monspeet by this point and you can start levelling them up. Check above on how to do so efficiently. Congratulations you've cleared the first 20 floors.

Mid Game: On wave 19 you got a bunch of money and unlocked a few spots on Row 3, by now you should've summoned at least 1 Monspeet and 1 Zaratras, if you haven't, don't worry, just level your strongest unit until they show up and switch to levelling them up as soon as they appear, even if they are still 1* . Make sure you have enough strength on each row to clear the waves and keep upgrading your units as they come. Your priority should be buying units and merging them as they come,while upgrading Zaratras and Monspeet. Only unlock new slots if you are in need of space to upgrade something. Hopefully you'll have an easy time and have a bunch of money and free slots to fill every floor.

DON'T SELL units. You should be strong enough with proper placement to win every wave. Place one Monspeet to fight a wave and Zaratras to fight the other, place them together in between waves to upgrade them. If by any chance you've unlocked every slot and has no way of merging anything evaluate if there is a need to get stronger. DON'T UPGRADE YOUR BASE or BUY LEVEL-UPS. You might be able to greed 100+ coins until floor 39, where you unlock the 4th row, and keep getting stronger through mergers.Your goal is 4* Monspeet and Zaratras (Level 40-50) before floor 40. Only Unlock P1,P2 when available. If you hit any other 4* units, keep them in an arrangement that makes you clear every wave. Congratulations you've Cleared Floor 40.

Endgame: Now the game really begins. You should have a good enough foundation to win, 2 or 3 characters that are 4* , all of the slots on the first 3 rows are unlocked + P1 and P2 on the 4th row and a few free slots every cycle to keep getting stronger. If you are capped and can't get any other mergers, at this point (and only from this point forward) should you start selling units to make room for new ones. DON'T BUY new SLOTS on the 4th ROW, there is no need. Place either Monspeet or Zaratras there and they will solo the wave. DON'T SELL Monspeets or Zaratras of any level or * , you'll need multiple for this strategy to work, so evaluate your roster and see if there is a unit really far from being upgraded.

Example: You have a truck load of Gallands,Bans and Kings close to be merged and one lone Lv 6 2* Meliodas. Sell the Meliodas and try to hit the other units.BUT if you hit any other 4* that are not Monspeet or Zaratras and need space, don't sell the 1 or 2* Meliodas, sell the 4* instead. They will return 30 Coins and that money you can use to summon and hit the other units. You hit another 4* that is not Monspeet or Zaratras? Great, even more money for Level-ups. At some point you'll get them to Level 100. In that case switch the maxed unit with another one of the same type. Example: Zaratras -> Zaratras; Monspeet -> Monspeet. "Dude i don't have another Zaratras, what do i do?" Then upgrade 2 Monspeets until you get another Zaratras and vice-versa. If that is not possible upgrade whatever 4* you have, but keep in mind that now that you invested in that 4* he is no longer sellable, just keep it in a corner after you find the proper replacement(if it is higher than level 20 just keep it, if not sell it). You should be able to keep going with proper placement until Floor 60+. Congratulations you've Cleared Floor 60.

Late Endgame: At this point you should have multiple 4* Level 100 and some leftover coin. Make proper placements and try to upgrade your units who haven't hit level 100 yet, if you get a Super Strong Wave on the 4th row unlock P5 and P5 only. A combination of Monspeet, Zaratras + (any 4* unit of any level) should be able to clear it. You can now start upgrading you base for more health. If enough units are out of your board that you can guarantee the level-up on a 4* unit you can now do so. Each wave configuration is beatable with Zaratras + Monspeet + one. Congratulations, you've cleared base Defense.




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